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Welcome here! We're Anna and Samantha. ​

We became friends after meeting at church and discovering we share many of the same interests. We love all things natural and homemade and are both aspiring homesteaders- just backyard at the moment but who knows what the future holds! 

We love to share our healthy recipes, frugal tips and handcrafted skills and plan to create a hub of resources to help get back to an almost-forgotten way of life.

A Little More About Us...

Hello, I’m Anna! Welcome to our little corner of the internet! 

I am a wife and stay at home Mama. I have three beautiful children (one still cooking!), plus a puppy and some backyard chickens! Integrating the Catholic Faith into our family life is the most important thing to me. I’m also very passionate about eating as healthily and naturally as possible without breaking the bank. In fact, our whole family lifestyle has gone back to the basics as much as modern life can allow for us at this stage in our journey. 

Some of my favourite ways to relax (when I’m not doing laundry or drinking cold coffee 😉) is to read, bake, or have people over. Fun fact: anyone who knows me well will say I’m a little obsessed with learning about and analysing different personalities and temperaments (I’m an INFJ).


I hope that you can join me and Samantha as we share our Homemaking journeys with you!

A woman sitting in front of a large tree.
A woman smiling in nature with a hat on.

Hi, I'm Samantha, welcome to our blog.


I'm currently a mother of two, a homemaker and an... aspiring blogger! I tend to describe myself as a Jack of all trades, master of none, which might just explain why I have so many unfinished projects! I love learning new skills, I like to have fun exploring old ways of doing things and I'm always yearning for a little more self-sufficiency.


I'm a qualified Aromatherapist and I enjoy discovering natural and herbal remedies to share, as well as healthy recipes. I'm currently learning to bake, sew, forage, garden and keep bees... all on a budget!


I hope you enjoy our blog, you can also catch us on Instagram HERE

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